Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ding Dong the Witch Is Gone

On tonight's episode of Big Brother 12, Rachel Reilly was finally evicted from the house! Thank god! She was such a terror.

For those of you who have never seen Reilly on Big Brother, in a nuttshell, she was a moody, difficult, verbally abusive player who loved getting into screaming matches with her other housemates. Don't get me wrong, her antics were made for great television but I have a very low tolerance for rude people - even if they are on TV.
Anyways, although she was a very strong player, she spent too much time focusing on her show-mance with Brendon Villegas, and allienating herself from the others. By creating such a finite alliance, they became the biggest target from the getgo. This was a huge mistake on both of their parts.
But even after winning two Head of Household competitions, she was finally booted out of the house by a unanimous vote, and now Villegas is left to fend for himself without a single friend or alliance in the Big Brother house. That's not going to work out too well for him on this show unless he wins the next HOH. I can not wait for Sunday's episode on CBS to see if he can actually save himself from next week's eviction.

Oh trash-TV aka Reality-TV! How much I love you.

Photo courtesy of Sturgis Rally News. I want to believe that this cover for Sturgis Rally News Magazine is Photoshopped. I don't want to live in a world where the lead singer of my favourite band willingly models with a medicore reality star.

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