Monday, April 4, 2011

Till The World Ends Teaser!!

Check out the 30 second teaser of "Till the World Ends" by Britney Spears. She makes her comeback seem effortless.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Charlie Sheen Fired From Two and a Half Men

NY Times is reporting that Charlie Sheen has just been fired from the CBS hit series, Two and a Half Men!

Still trying to get the hang of blogging on my new Blackberry.
More info to come!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sheen Wins Again

Charlie Sheen's Ustream Internet show debuted tonight to some big numbers. The Hollywood Report (THR) says "Sheen's Korner" attracted over 100,000 people. I did not watch the show but apparently Sheen revealed a new tattoo of his new slogan, 'winning' on his left wrist. Among other things, he also listed a few public figures he'd like to be like Colin Farrell and Sean Penn. THR reports that there were several awkward moments on the webcast including cheap shots at his publicist, fart noises and dead air. Thank God this was not on tonight's primetime television lineup.
And just when we thought this would be a one time thing, he also hinted at a weekly, perhaps daily webcast of "Sheen's Korner" in the near future.
What will he come up with next?
Stay tuned...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

John Galliano Goes To Rehab

After a week of scandal, renowned fashion designer John Galliano has reportedly checked himself into rehab, says The Times of India, UK.
The flamboyant 50-year-old was recently released from the House of Dior for his anti-Semantic remarks to a couple in Paris. He has reportedly made his way to The Meadows, a rehabilitation centre in Arizona, that's treated other big names like fellow designer Donnatella Versace.
Galliano released an apology saying, "Anti-Semitism and racism has no part in our society. I unreservedly apologize for my behaviour for causing any offence."
It may be a little late for an apology as French prosecutors say Galliano will stand trial and face up to six months in jail.

Caught On Camera: Whitney Houston's Daughter Caught Snorting Cocaine

It's not right, but is it okay? Will she make it anyway?
According to RadarOnline, the next issue of The National Enquirer will publish eight photos of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown's 18-year-old daughter snorting cocaine. In the publication, the ex-boyfriend of Bobby Kristina Brown say she is addicted to the same substance both her parents publicly battled for years.
The National Enquirer is synonymous with sensationalism and lies but if there are photos to prove that Bobby Kristina is using, Houston should intervene before her daughter follows the same dark path she led.

Jimmy Fallon Is A "Winner" As Charlie Sheen

Jimmy Fallon proves that he is one of the funniest people on late night television with another hilarious celebrity spoof. In light of Charlie Sheen's recent questionable behaviour and bizarre antics in the media, Fallon impersonated the actor in a "Winning" fragrance commercial.